Tratamiento de residuos aceitosos
Los residuos oleosos en las centrales eléctricas comprenden los aceites usados procedentes de los procesos de combustible y lubricación, pero también el agua oleosa, que suele estar más contaminada por productos químicos y partículas. Separar el agua, el aceite y los sólidos protege el medio ambiente y puede recuperar las pérdidas de combustible.
Drying up the oily waste streams
The majority of oily waste is water. There is water contaminated by oil, which must be cleaned to established limits before it can be discharged into the environment. But even the waste oil from separators and filters is almost 50% water.
Centrifugal separation is the only way to deal effectively with all of this oily waste. Using Alfa Laval PureDry, every drop of liquid can be removed from the waste oil. The separated water, like all other oily water, can then be cleaned with Alfa Laval PureBilge down to an oil content of less than 5 ppm.
Saving fuel and money
Water isn’t the only thing PureDry can extract from waste oil. When separate waste tanks are used for fuel and lube oil in diesel installations, it can recover quality oil for reuse as fuel – typically as much as 1-2% of the original volume consumed.
Money is also saved by the 99% reduction in waste oil volume. With the water and oil removed, only super-dry solids are left. This allows smaller waste oil tanks to be used, which saves both space and installation cost.