Sistema cerrado de enfriamiento de agua

Para enfriar procesos clave en plantas petroquímicas, refinerías, centrales eléctricas y otros entornos industriales pesados, muchos propietarios y operadores de plantas confían en la refrigeración de circuito cerrado como el método de refrigeración preferido. Para una refrigeración rentable y duradera en circuito cerrado, cuente con la amplia gama de intercambiadores de calor de placas y filtros de Alfa Laval, funcionamiento seguro, fiable y respetuoso con el medio ambiente.

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On the pulse of closed-loop cooling systems

Alfa Laval is a world-class supplier of closed-loop cooling solutions for just about any industry where such solutions play a key role. Alfa Laval offers a cost-efficient range of large plate heat exchangers and self-cleaning filters. We also have the expertise to design optimized combinations of the two, and the project management experience to deliver according to specification. 

Easy to clean, easy to adapt capacity

Plate heat exchangers are, in many ways, ideal for closed-loop cooling and utility duties. Compact, efficient and flexible, they can easily be adapted to accommodate changes in capacity. In addition, their fouling-resistant design minimizes cleaning requirements.

Compared to other technologies such as stand-alone cooling towers, closed-loop cooling with plate heat exchangers requires less make-up water and minimal  water treatment. Consequently, there is less maintenance and less pumping – both of which significantly reduce operating costs.

Combined filter and heat exchanger installation

ALF is Alfa Laval’s all-purpose filter designed for installation together with Alfa Laval plate heat exchangers in closed-loop cooling applications as well as for many other filtration duties. Alfa Laval ALF filters remove unwanted material – including sand and various biological matter – from the cooling water before it enters the plate heat exchangers. This minimizes plate heat exchanger maintenance and cleaning while maximizing equipment service life. Alfa Laval ALF filters are self-cleaning and require virtually no maintenance.


Closed loop cooling process overview


  • Protects the water source from contamination
  • No fouling on closed loop water side
  • Ideal for retrofitting shell-and-tube
  • Only 20% of the space compared to shell-and-tube
  • Corrosion-free solution