Beer Dealcoholization Webinar

Non-alcoholic or low alcohol beer products have been present in different forms in the last 30 years. However, it is not until recent years that quality 0.0 beers, those made by stripping alcohol from dedicated final beer recipes to less than 0.05% ABV, have been successful. There are clear signs that beer dealcoholization will play an important role in upcoming beverage market trends. How can you tap into this exciting and profitable market? On 21 Nov 2019, Juan Jurado will host a webinar to talk about this.

Desalcoholización de la cerveza

Nuestro experto Juan Jurado compartirá con usted los aspectos clave a tener en cuenta a la hora de producir cerveza sin alcohol de calidad que satisfaga la demanda del mercado:

  1. ¿Cuáles son las últimas tendencias del mercado y los motores de la demanda de productos de cerveza 0,0?
  2. ¿Cómo lograr el éxito del sabor a partir de una tecnología de desalcoholización única?
  3. ¿Por qué debería tener en cuenta los conocimientos técnicos, la asistencia técnica y las soluciones de proceso ampliadas de su proveedor a la hora de elaborar cerveza desalcoholizada?

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Dealcoholized beer

About our speaker:

juan profile picture.jpg

Juan Jurado has traversed different exciting roles and countries in the last 25 years with Alfa Laval. Today, he is the Global Technology Manager for Alfa Laval Brewery Systems HQ based in Copenhagen. On paper, he has a M Eng Food/Agronomical Engineering and International MBA by ESCP Europe, but nothing beats his actual on-field experience as a Skilled Engineer in Brewery Modules and Separation solutions with more than 400 brewery projects under his belt.

Back when no one has heard of dealcoholization technologies, he has already immersed himself in different types since 1997. Eight years of active cooperation with VLB Berlin Institut continue to inspire him in sharing elusive knowledge with industry fellows.

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